
Rethinking efficient email processes with

If you follow technology news on Twitter, you have probably heard about If you haven't, it is a new subscription product based on a different way of looking at email. Hey has a great heritage, as it is made by the team that developed Basecamp. Hey is not just a new email client; you can't use an existing email address with the product. Instead, for good or bad, you have to embrace the Hey way of processing and reviewing email. While I disliked it at first, the Hey email way has grown on me. And it's not bad. In fact, it is terrific.

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Email is the largest workplace distraction

We all know the evils of social media - at least as far as easily encroaching into your productive time. The bunny trails of infinity pools of content that draw you down into distraction. But as career-minded business people, we are unlikely to be surfing Facebook at work. In business, the biggest distraction trap we have is email. Email is truly evil!

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